

Flash Back Aus Music Month 2010

As many of you would know each year Tripple J put on Aus Music Month. Last year they did a few special gigs featuring Horrorshow, The Bag Raiders and others. Horrorshow covered a song from the Hilltop Hoods, 1979. Before Solo preformed the song along side Adiddy and Jane Tyrell he got a little intermit explaining  his connection to the song and why it was so important to him.

"This is the first song that got me into hip hop in the first place when i was like 13. See I used to watch video hits and shit and just see all the stuff on the TV, all the gangsters, the booty shaking hoes, and the drugs and violence and I never really understood hip hop, and then my brother played me this song, and you  know the rest goes without saying"

For myself it wasn't 1979 that got me into hip hop but I was very much in the same situation as Solo until my brother played me Noseblees Section also by the hoods which led to other songs including 1979 and ever since I've been a Aus Hip Hop addict.

What was the first Aus Hip Hop song you herd, Where were you, Where did you play it?


1979 - Hilltop Hoods Cover, Horrorshow by bottomoftheatlas