


So its been a while between drinks for both Bottom Of The Atlas and for the One Day Crew! With Horrorshow and Spit Syndicate stuck in the studio preparing their upcoming albums for the past few months. However the Onedayers are back, and there bringing there IW game harder than ever with a monthly gig featuring all three one day acts, Horrorshow (Solo and Adit) Spit Syndicate ( Nick Lupi, Jimmy Nice, Joyride) and the newest members Jackie Onassis (Kai and Raph). Starting on the 24th of February at The Projects which is behind the Vic / 2 Addison Rd, Enmore. 

To kick One Day Sundays off the Double S boys will be jumping up to celebrate the release of the forthcoming album "Sunday Gentlemen" Get down early to catch DJ sets from some of the IW's finest, Joyride Adit and Raph. For further information and announcements for the coming months make sure that you head over to the One Day Crew Facebook.