

A pre-order NOT to be missed!!

Urthboy's new album Smokey's Haunt is set to be his biggest release to date if the first two singles are anything to go by. Make sure that you cop your pre order direct through and receive exclusive bonus' (See below for further details) Make sure to get in quick as the album is only a few short weeks away before dropping.

All pre-orders receive custom-made Urthboy Moleskine Notebook (90x140mm) while stocks last, Signed Poster and Bonus Album Song 'Orphan Rocker'.

Smokey's Haunt Pack ($20):  Signed CD + Moleskine + Signed Poster + Album song
Womens Smokey's Haunt Tee Bundle ($45): Signed CD + T-shirt (Womens) + Moleskine +  Signed Poster + Album song
Mens Smokey's Haunt Tee Bundle ($45): Signed CD + T-shirt (Mens) + Moleskine + Signed Poster + Album song
Smokey's Collection ($50): All Four Urthboy CDs (Signed) + Moleskine + Signed Poster + Album song