

Feature Artist Of The Month, April - Pressure Emcee, Hilltop Hoods

After the release of yet another successful record from the Hilltop Hoods, Pressure took some time out to catch up with us and speak all things Drinking from the Sun and Hilltop. Check out part 1 of the interview below and stay tuned for the following parts out later this month.

The three part musical adventure that is, The Thirst is something that you guys haven't really done before, that is a series of short tracks throughout an album. Part one focus's on the past three years or so and what you have achieved since the release of State of the Art. What do you think was your biggest achievement or most memorable moment since the release of State of the Art?

Most memorable moment from State of the art would have to be touring and playing at Glastonbury in England which was a huge highlight for all of us. To play at the biggest and most prestigious music festival in the world. That was an amazing experience we managed to get a crowd of somewhere between 8000 - 10 000 people under a small tent when we actually thought we might be playing to a crowd of 80-100 was amazing.

That must have been an awesome feeling to travel to the other side of the world when you come from a culture that 5-10 years ago didn't have much recognition in its own country never mind world wide.

Yeh its like relating to what you were just saying about The Thirst. I open the album by talking about touring in various parts of the world and how amazing it is to go to a shore where we thought we had no accolades and no one knew us to getting a reception like that it's amazing. Sometimes you have no idea that you are even know in these countries and people come to your shows and know the lyrics to your songs, its a bit of a you gotta step back and pinch yourself kind of thing.

Part two of The Thirst explains what Drinking from the Sun is and how Australian Hip Hop is an underground culture and is drinking from the mainstream above. Do you guys still see yourself as an underground act or a mainstream act that belongs to an underground culture?

I mean the album just went Gold in the first week, I couldn't claim to be an underground act or an underground rapper but i think were true to our roots and make underground music and thats the music we've connected with people for so long and are still prolific in the Australian music scene ten years later.

For sure its evident that through out Drinking from the Sun you can still feel the connection between the tracks and the audience can relate to the tracks.

Yeah well that's it I just think that the matter of making music for yourself and making honest music and i think that it will always connect with people.

Part three of The Thirst is really interesting and most exciting part of the album for myself. The outake at the end of the track says, "from day one we were writing two albums". Firstly when is the part two going to drop? and secondly why did you you decide to write two albums at one time instead of focusing all your efforts on one album?

Basically we wanted to do a double album, I can't give you an exact due date on the next album as I don't know the due date just yet, but its kinda like a to be continued … but i can say that the next album will be out much sooner than the three year gap between State of the Art and Drinking from the Sun.

Was there a reason that there was a three year gap between releases, was it that you wanted to take some time to get away from the music or that we were just going to take our time to perfect this next one?

Nar its funny people are like its been three years since the last album where the hell you been and I'm like were been touring our arses off for a year and a half and then worked rock solidly in some respect weather Suffa was out digging or debris was looking for cuts or practicing scratching. But we were working on that album for a year and a half. A lot happened in that year and a half as well where we went physically away on tour. We did a tour with Eminem, the Big Day Out tour and a tour in Canada we made a DVD and so many other day to day things that unfortunalty is a business element that comes into it when you run your own label and taking care of everything else. We took one month off each in that three year period and after that we worked our arses off cause people don't hear from you in a while the just think that your sitting on a beach somewhere having a holiday but your not.

How was the tour with Eminem I'm sure that it would have been an amazing experience to play with someone of that calibre, I read the interview with Rolling Stone and it seemed as though you sort of got pushed to the side but I'm sure that it would have been an amazing feeling.

Yeh I've actually been an Eminem fan since my ruckas days and i really dig a lot of his music, not all of it but i do dig a lot of it. So to be able to play support for him and who is actually the biggest entertainer in the world at the moment period was just an amazing experience. Its defiantly one of those once in a life time experiences that will be with us for ever.