The track is one that I'm sure that we can all relate to. That someone who we wished we could be best mates with for the rest of our lives but slowly drift apart regrettably. The laid back beat and chorus really gets you in the mood to reminisce about the past, to think about the present and think about all those who you care about and wish to be with for the rest of your life.
Jeswon kicks off the song with his verse with the line "way back when, before i started rapping with tuk" and then goes on to reminisce about a mate who he used to be close with and regrettably is no longer is close to. It hits close to home for all of us unfortunately, weather it be a childhood friend, your best mate from school or just those kid you used to hang with. As a year 12 student myself i know that once I leave school there will be those mates who grow distant from and thats part of doing your own thing, people come and grow throughout out lives. "times changed you chose to go the corporate route, its awkward now, we ain't got shit to talk about, you wanted to get paid, kid go ahead do it, you thought it was stupid how i chose to make music, but now the fans loose it you finally understand that despite never seeing you your still my brother man."
"Its strange when best friends become strangers." I guess that this is an appropriate to finish up the song as it sums it all up. Its clear that in the first verse that Jeswon clearly feels this "way back when, before i started rapping with tuk" The whole song is brilliant and I for one carnt wait to see it live! Big Ups to the Thunda Crew go cop that album yo!